Beaded Barley Curds, Warm Jamon Joselito Jelly

Beaded Barley Curds, Warm Jamon Joselito Jelly


Jamon Joselito Jelly

  • 100g Ham Extractions®
  • 0.2g Agar-agar
  • 1/4 Gelatine Leaf

Barley Curds

  • 100g Barley Extraction®
  • 13g Entire Egg
  • PM Salt

Ham Powder

Caramelised Barley

  • 100g Beaded Barley
  • 100g Sugar
  • 10g Water
  • PM Peanut Oil



Jamon Joselito Jelly
Leave the gelatine leaf to soak in cold water. Boil the ham Extraction® and the agar-agar. Drain the water from the gelatine and add it to the Extraction®. Pour 10g in bowls then leave them at ambient temperature to set.

Barley Curds
Mix the barley Extraction® and the beaten egg, lightly season, then strain. Pour 20g of curds on every bowl of ham jelly and cover the bowls with film. Steam cook for 23 minutes at 81°C. 

Ham Powder
Cook the ham on the oven for 5 minutes at 170°C then dry on a sterilizer. Crush into little pieces.  

Caramelised Barley 
Cook the barley in water and rinse it properly, strain it then let it dry fully. Heat the oil at 190°C and fry the barley to make it puff. Boil the water and the sugar then pour it on the fried barley. Caramelise the whole thing on high heat. 

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